########################################### # # iLCSoft versions for installing a current HEAD # version of the ilcsoft packages. # The external base tools need to be installed # # DESY ilcsoft team ########################################### import datetime import platform # --------- ilcsoft release version ------------------------------------------ ilcsoft_release='v02-01-pre' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------- # we now always build with c++11 ? # use_cpp11 = True # if nightlies: # use_cpp11 = nb_use_cpp11 # print "******************* use_cpp11", use_cpp11 # which cxx standard to use cxx_standard = 14 afsPath = None try: afsPath = ilcsoft_afs_path[ arch ] except KeyError: pass #=============================================================================== # use a compiler that knows c++11, run # ''' #===== gcc 4.9: # . ./scripts/use_gcc49_afs.sh source /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/contrib/gcc/4.9.3/x86_64-slc6/setup.sh export PATH=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/releases/LCG_87/Python/2.7.10/x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/releases/LCG_87/Python/2.7.10/x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # or on cvmfs: # . ./scripts/use_gcc49_cvmfs.sh source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/contrib/gcc/4.9.3/x86_64-slc6/setup.sh export PATH=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_87/Python/2.7.10/x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases/LCG_87/Python/2.7.10/x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ''' # before starting the installation #================================================================================ # --------- install dir ------------------------------------------------------ # =========================================================== # Modify this path to where you want to install the software # =========================================================== # if installPrefix is None: ilcsoft_install_prefix = ilcsoft_afs_path[ arch ] else: ilcsoft_install_prefix = installPrefix #ilcsoft_install_prefix = "/cvmfs/ilc.desy.de/sw/x86_64_gcc48_sl6/" #ilcsoft_install_prefix = "/scratch/ilcsoft/" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--- the ilcsoft_release is now automatically appended in release-ilcsoft.cfg # but not in release-base.cfg !! #append_version_to_install_prefix = False #if(append_version_to_install_prefix): # ilcsoft_install_dir = os.path.join(ilcsoft_install_prefix , ilcsoft_release ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------- ilcsoft home ----------------------------------------------------- # =========================================================== # Modify this path to where you want ilcinstall to look # for pre-installed (base) packages # typically this would be left to ilcsoft_install_prefix # or set to an /afs or /cvmfs base installation that you # want to use # =========================================================== ilcPath = ilcsoft_install_prefix # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ilcPatchPath = "/afs/desy.de/project/ilcsoft/sw/x86_64_gcc41_sl5/v01-15" # ======================= PACKAGES WITH NO INSTALL SUPPORT =================== # these packages need to be pre-installed for your system # please adjust the path variables accordingly # detect the default software installation path # when using package manager like apt-get, yum or brew platfDefault = None if platform.system().lower().find('linux') >= 0: platfDefault = '/usr' elif platform.system().lower().find('darwin') >= 0: platfDefault = '/usr/local' # ----- mysql -------------------------------------------------------- MySQL_version = "5.0.45" MySQL_path = platfDefault # overwrite with a patch set in the environment my_mysql_path = os.getenv("MYSQL_DIR", default=None) if( my_mysql_path != None ): MySQL_path = my_mysql_path #MySQL_path = ilcPath + "/mysql/" + MySQL_version ########################################################################################## # # end of user configuration section # only make changes below if you know what you are doing ... # ########################################################################################## # ======================= PACKAGE VERSIONS =================================== Geant4_version = "10.04.p03" CLHEP_version = "" ROOT_version = "6.18.04" GSL_version = "2.6" Qt5_version = "v5.13.1" CMake_version = "3.15.5" FastJet_version = "3.2.1" FastJetcontrib_version = "1.025" CED_version = "v01-09-03" SIO_version = "v00-00-02" Boost_version = "1.71.0" Eigen_version = "3.3.7" # ------------------------------------------- LCIO_version = "v02-13-01" GEAR_version = "v01-09" CondDBMySQL_version = "CondDBMySQL_ILC-0-9-7" ILCUTIL_version = "v01-06" MarlinFastJet_version = "v00-05-02" # ------------------------------------------- KalTest_version = "v02-05" KalDet_version = "v01-14-01" aidaTT_version = "v00-10" DDKalTest_version = "v01-06" MarlinTrk_version = "v02-08" MarlinTrkProcessors_version = "v02-11" Clupatra_version = "v01-03" KiTrack_version = "v01-10" KiTrackMarlin_version = "v01-13" FCalClusterer_version = "v01-00-01" ForwardTracking_version = "v01-14" ConformalTracking_version = "v01-10" LICH_version = "v00-01" # ------------------------------------------- GBL_version = "V02-02-00" #"V02-00-00" LCCD_version = "v01-05" RAIDA_version = "v01-09" MarlinUtil_version = "v01-15-01" Marlin_version = "v01-17" MarlinDD4hep_version = "v00-06" MarlinReco_version = "v01-26" ILDPerformance_version = "v01-07" #ILDConfig_version = "HEAD" LCFIVertex_version = "v00-08" LCFIPlus_version = "v00-08" MarlinKinfit_version = "v00-06" MarlinKinfitProcessors_version = "v00-04-01" PandoraPFANew_version = "v03-13-02" DDMarlinPandora_version = "v00-11" PandoraAnalysis_version = "v02-00-01" CEDViewer_version = "v01-17" Overlay_version = "v00-22" PathFinder_version = "v00-06-01" MarlinTPC_version = "v01-05" LCTuple_version = "v01-12" BBQ_version = "v00-01-04" Druid_version = "2.2" Garlic_version = "v03-01" DD4hep_version = "v01-11" DD4hepExamples_version = "v01-11" lcgeo_version = "v00-16-05" Physsim_version = "v00-04-01" # xerces-c (needed by geant4 for building gdml support - required by mokka) XercesC_version = "v3.2.2" XERCESC_ROOT_DIR = ilcPath + "/xercesc/" + XercesC_version